Grey Things - A grey cat and a grey robot

Let's Learn About Grey Things!

Grey is a neutral and balanced color that is often associated with stability. It is the color of a cloudy sky and a concrete sidewalk. When you see the color grey you might feel calm and composed. Some people even say that grey can help to make you feel more neutral and objective. Grey can also be a symbol of dullness and boredom. You might see the color grey big animals like rhinos, hippos and elephants, and small animals like rabbits, rats and mice. Lots of metal things are grey too, knives, forks and spoons and so many other things.

Grey Things in Nature

Grey Elephants

All elephants are big and grey, but there are actually 3 different kinds of elephant! One kind of elephant lives in Asia. One kind of elephant lives in the African jungle and eats fruit. And that last kind of elephant lives on African grassland and desert. It walks huge distances, eats grass and has huge ears to keep itself cool.

Grey Elephants

Grey Mice

Do mice really like cheese? No, you've been watching too many cartoons! They might eat cheese if it is the only food in the house, but it's not their favorite snack. Mice prefer to eat sweet foods like small fruitI, seeds and nuts. Sometimes they eat beetles and caterpillars too. Yum! If you have a mouse in your house then it's probably a house mouse and not a field mouse.

Grey Mice

Grey Cats

How old is the grey cat? It's not an old cat. It's a young cat. People's hair might go grey when they get old, but cats keep the same color fur they were born with as they get older. So how come the cat has grey fur? Well, there are lots of cats who are born with grey fur, either that or a white cat that's rolled in the dirt.

Grey Cats

Grey Hippos

Hippos live in Africa and like bathing in the mud, because it keeps them cool and stops them getting sun burn. They spend most of their days floating in lakes, rivers and swamps. When the sun is going down they come out to eat grass. Hippos skin can be 6 centimeters thick. Wow! That's like armor!

Grey Hippos

Grey Dogs

The fastest dog breed in the world is the greyhound. It can run at a top speed of 45 miles per hour, which is the same as 72 kilometers per hour. That's fast, but not as fast as Cheetah's! Cheetah's can run at a top speed of 70 miles per hour, which is the same as 112 kilometers per hour. Wow!

Grey Dogs

Grey Robots

We know robots aren't really natural, they're man-made, but they're cool and a lot of them are grey! Have you seen robots in different colors?

Grey Robots
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