Ankylosaurus Coloring Pages (Free Printable PDFs)

Please enjoy our free printable Ankylosaurus coloring pages for kids. These free printable coloring sheets come in a PDF format and feature a wide range of Ankylosaurus pictures. They range from easy Ankylosaurus coloring pages for toddlers to more difficult Ankylosaurus pictures for older boys and girls. We hope they provide hours of coloring fun for your toddlers, kids, boys and girls! If you haven't found what you're looking for here, please check out our complete range of dinosaur colouring pages and fun ankylosaurus facts!

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Fun Ankylosaurus Fact #1

The name Ankylosaurus means ‘Curved Lizard’ in Greek, but Ankylosaurus didn’t get its name because it was round. In medicine, doctors talk about 'Ankylosis' when bones are fused together, and Ankylosaurus had several bones in its tank-like armor fused together. That’s why!

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Fun Ankylosaurus Fact #2

The Ankylosaurus was famous for the armor plates on its back, the spikes down the side of its body and the huge tail club. The thick oval bone plates on the Ankylosaurus’ back grew within its skin, just like with crocodiles today.

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Fun Ankylosaurus Fact #3

The largest Ankylosaurus was around 6.25 meters (20.5 feet) long which is longer than a car or a pick-up truck. The Ankylosaurus was 1.5 meters (4.9 feet) wide and 1.7 meters (5.6 feet) tall at the hips too. That’s a big armored dinosaur!

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Fun Ankylosaurus Fact #4

The Ankylosaurus lived at the same time as the Tyrannosaurus Rex. The Ankylosaurus ate plants for food, so wouldn’t attack a T-Rex. The T-Rex ate other dinosaurs, but probably wouldn’t have started a fight against this dangerous vegetarian.

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Fun Ankylosaurus Fact #5

The Ankylosaurus could swing the heavy club on its tail to the side really quickly to protect itself from predators. The club was made of hard fused bones which could break the bones of attackers. So, if a hungry T-Rex came too close, it might get a broken leg or a smashed skull!

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Fun Ankylosaurus Fact #6

The largest Ankylosaurus weighed about 4000kg (4 tons) which is the same weight as large Hippos or Rhinos that live in Africa today.

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Fun Ankylosaurus Fact #7

The Ankylosaurus had a narrow beak and small leaf-shaped teeth which it would use to strip leaves off plants on the ground. It didn’t have teeth for grinding up food and would ferment unchewed leaves in its big belly.

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Fun Ankylosaurus Fact #8

The Ankylosaurus’ armor plates were covered in a layer of keratin, which is a material that is also found in rhinoceros horns and human nails.

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Fun Ankylosaurus Fact #9

Just like its relative the Stegosaurus, the Ankylosaurus was a big dinosaur with a small brain. It seems that these big, slow, heavily-armored dinosaurs that walked around all day eating plants only needed a walnut-sized brain.

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Fun Ankylosaurus Fact #10

The only soft part of the Ankylosaurus was underneath its body, so the Ankylosaurus could just sit down to protect itself from predators. Some scientists even think the Ankylosaurus would digs holes to stop attackers trying to flip it onto its back.

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