28 Dog Coloring Pages (Free Printable PDFs)

Looking for free dog coloring pages? Download cute dog pictures now, with dogs & puppies from different breeds. Print your favorite PDF & start coloring today!

Our free printable dog coloring pages for kids come in a PDF format and feature a wide range cute dog and puppy pictures from easy dog coloring pages for toddlers to more difficult dog pictures for older boys and girls. We hope they provide hours of coloring fun for kids. If you haven't found what you're looking for here, please check out our complete range of animal colouring pages or our fun dog facts!

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Fun Dogs Fact #1

All puppies are born blind and deaf, with their eyes and ear canals closed. It takes around 2 weeks for their eyes and ears to open. That’s one reason why puppies need their mums to look after them when they’re young.

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Fun Dog Fact #2

Dogs can only see yellow and blue color combinations and cannot see red and green colors well at all. Most humans can see color combinations of red, green and blue. People who only see 2 color combinations are called ‘color blind’.

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Fun Dog Fact #3

A dog’s nose has 300 million smell receptors compared with a human nose which only has 5 million smell receptors. So, it’s no surprise dogs have an amazing sense of smell and are so good at tracking scent trails.

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Fun Dog Fact #4

Dogs have really sensitive cold noses that can even detect heat. So even when a dog can’t see or smell an animal it's hunting, because its prey is hidden and the wind is blowing in the opposite direction, a dog can still find their heat signature.

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Fun Dog Fact #5

Ever wondered why dogs curl up into cute balls when they go to sleep? Well, that’s a habit from their days living in the wild. Curling up into a ball helps a dog to protect their vital organs from predators which might attack them while they’re sleeping.

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Fun Dog Fact #6

Greyhounds can beat Cheetahs in a long distance race. Cheetahs can sprint at 75 miles per hour (120 kilometers per hour), but only for about 30 seconds. A Greyhound can keep a speed of 35 mph (56 kph for nearly seven miles.

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Fun Dog Fact #7

A dog has around 1,700 taste buds compared to humans who have 9,000 taste buds. Dogs can still taste sweet, sour and bitter foods, but they have less developed salt sensors as dogs meat heavy diets naturally provided enough salt.

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Fun Dog Fact #8

When dogs kick backward after going to the toilet it isn’t trying to cover its mess, it’s trying to mark its territory using scent glands in its feet.

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Fun Dog Fact #9

When a dog wants to cool down they pant, which evaporates water from their tongue and mouth to release heat. The only place dogs sweat watery liquids like humans is on their paws.

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Fun Dog Fact #10

Dogs have 18 muscles that can move their ears, which helps them listen for other animals as well as signaling to others how they’re feeling.

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